Project 2 – Shapes and Value
This will be a portrait focusing on value and shapes.
Project size 8×10 inches
Materials: bristol board; graphite pencil; ruler: acrylic paints: Mars black and Titanium white; brush: round small; plastic container for water; rag and plastic plates. Optional: if you have small plastic containers you can utilize them to store premixed paint. Optional: spray bottle.
We will do another value scale, this time in acrylic. This will help you with your other projects as well.
- On a bristol board, make 10, 1×1 boxes with a pencil and a ruler. Using the scale bellow as your guide, mix your paints to create a value string on your board (try to be as accurate as possible). Tip: it takes only a bit of black paint to tint white, however, it will take a lot of white to lighten the black.

2. When you are finished with your value scale use a hole punch to punch holes in the middle of the squares. You have created a value scale and a finder!
3. Use your own photograph, or the photo I will be taking for you in class. The photo needs to be black and white and 8×10 inches (this will be the size of the final project). Print the photo on regular paper. Using your value scale start “breaking down” the photo into dominant/major value areas. Tip: if you see gradation, or few values, simplify the values and “favor” the one closer to your scale. Chose 5 values to work with. Simplify any others in between when appropriate.
4. Once you have decided on your 5 values begin to “break down” the major areas. Use a pencil and trace directly on your print out. See examples bellow. Tip: keep your lines clean, fluid and organic. Remember, you are designing, not tracing! It is up to you to determine how the line should flow. The photograph is only a reference!
Remember. Creative art comes from creative line and it hast to come from you!
Always have the courage to “draw it yourself!”
Andrew Loomis
5. When you are confident with your value study and lines, you can transfer your your drawing to a bristol board, 8×10 inch area and begin painting. Leave some room at the bottom of your page to include the 5 values you have chosen. If you do not have room, you can do it on a separate piece of bristol, cut it out and place it under the final project (I will talk about mounting your pieces before the final).

Process demo
Student work samples