Principals of composition
Principles of Composition: Principles, on the other hand, are guidelines or concepts that artists use to organize and arrange the elements within their compositions effectively. Principles help artists achieve balance, harmony, rhythm, unity, emphasis, contrast, and other aesthetic qualities in their artworks. Unlike elements, principles are abstract and conceptual in nature. They provide a framework or set of rules that artists can follow to create visually pleasing and meaningful compositions. Principles govern the relationships between elements and guide the overall structure and organization of the artwork.
It is how the elements of art and design—line, shape, color, value, texture, form, and space—are organized or composed according to the principles of art and design—balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, unity/variety—and other elements of composition, to give the painting structure and convey the intent of the artist.
Unity: all elements, or parts of the composition belong together.
Harmony: similar to unity, but differs in a way “how those elements relate to each other.”
Balance: refers to arrangement of shapes, form, color, etc. to give a sense of balance. Balance could be symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial.
Movement: sense of movement in a static composition can be achieved by arrangement of objects and position of figures. Leading lines can direct the viewer’s eye into and around the composition. Leading lines can be actual, implied, or psychic.
Rhythm: similar to music, visual composition can have rhythm. It refers to the relative repetition and/or variation of visual elements that often leads to rhythm, visual interest, and control of the viewer’s eye direction throughout a composition.
Focus (Emphasis, or focal point): A compositional device emphasizing a certain area or object to draw attention to the piece and to encourage closer scrutiny of the work.
Contrast: Refers to the differences in values, colors, textures, shapes and other elements. Contrast can add interest to the work. Black and white creates the highest value of contrast. It is the use of several elements of design to hold the viewer’s attention and to guide the viewer’s eye through the artwork.
Pattern: A regular repetition of lines, shapes, colors, or values in a composition.
Proportion: refers to the relative scale of one form in relationship to another form.