Art Blog,  Printmaking

Mary is Contrary – Artist Mini Documentary – Printmaking

I recently interviewed a printmaker and a fellow artist, Mary Vasquez, on her linocut and woodcut prints. This Mini Documentary shows the printmaking process and Mary’s journey to printmaking.

The Process

Mary has been blogging about the process of printmaking at home for a few years now on her site

Her site is a very useful and insightful recourse on printmaking where she covers topics on transfer methods, different materials , and personal recommendations for tools and paper.

If you would like to know more about the process you can visit her posts through the links below.

What is a Linocut? 

Getting Started With Linocut Printmaking 

What are the Best Lino cutting tools? 

5 Papers for Linocut Printmaking 

Paper info: Printmaking with Linocut 

Paper info: Printmaking with Linocut 

Top 5 Inks for Linocut at Home 

Mary even has a Forum you can join to ask questions or join discussions about printmaking.

About the Mini Documentary

This artist Mini Documentary  was brought to you by Dmitriy Astakhov and Northgate Entertainment.

Northgate Entertainment is a California based production company specializing in the complete creative workflow of television commercials, documentaries and films.

Northgate Entertainment has recently published a very cool commercial around Christmas time for  IEHP . Check it out 

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